Traditionally the ice shanty has been the go to means of protecting yourself from the elements while ice fishing. However, it is becoming more and more common to use an ice fishing tent instead.
Can you use a tent for ice fishing? Yes. There are 3 options when it comes to using an ice fishing tent. You can choose the hub-style, the flip-over, or a crossover tent shelter. Using a tent vs a shanty for ice fishing has the advantage of easy transport between fishing spots and can be quickly packed away. Unlike a regular tent, an ice fishing tent is floor less, is self supporting, and is generally sturdier to be able to withstand higher winds.
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Hub-Style Ice Fishing Tents

Hub-style tents pop up similar to an umbrella but just on a larger scale. They are easy to set up and are roomy allowing more people to fish in the shelter, more equipment etc. You have the choice to purchase insulated or non-insulated hub-style tents. They also can come in different layouts and configurations. While portable and easy to set up, they are heavy and bulky.
How to set up
- remove from bag
- look for the roof and pull out
- match up floor corners with roof corners (square up)
- pop each of the hubs out until all sides are popped out
- open door, enter tent and pop up center roof hub
- to collapse do everything in reverse order and pack away
Pull-over Ice Fishing Tents

Pull-over or flip tents once assembled are very quick and easy to set up. They are mounted on a sled and have the advantage of attaching swivel seats to the sled as well as storing all your equipment in the sled. These can be towed by foot or from a snowmobile.
Crossover Style Ice Fishing Tents

These tents are mounted on a towing tub just like the pull-over style. Their main support poles are similar to the pull-over style as well. They have the added benefit of the pop-up style tents roominess since the sides pop out just like the pop-up shelters.