When purchasing a tent most people assume that it will be waterproof in the rain. The fact of the matter is that this is not always the case. Do tents leak when it rains? Yes they most certainly can. The lower the quality of tent the more likelihood that it will leak. Tents can leak…
Category: Tenting

How Long Will A Canvas Tent Last?
Hot tent camping is becoming and increasingly popular activity. While canvas has been the traditional choice in a hot tent for successive generations, nylon is becoming an increasingly popular choice. Nylon is much lighter than canvas and so is an appealing option if weight is a concern. The other advantage nylon has over canvas is…

Advice On How to Buy A Hot Tent
This is our own personal experience in making the decision on what hot tent to purchase. What is hot tent camping? Hot tent camping is about using a wood burning stove inside a tent to heat it. It is like a portable cabin with a mini stove and chimney that can be packed up and…

Is It Cheaper To Tent Camp Or Stay In a Hotel?
So you want to visit another city and are looking to save some money? When it comes to taking a vacation away from home the greatest expense that we will incur (other than a plane flight) depending on the length of stay will be the lodging costs. Hotels are infamous for being money holes, where…