The LeWave solar powered lantern has been a great addition to our camping kit. Here are some reasons why we like it. small and compact lantern can be hung or placed on a table lantern lights a large area has a flashlight option lantern automatically turns on when opened it is inexpensive it is solar…

Why is Hiking So Hard? 10 Reasons – 9 Solutions
“Time to hit the trails!” Does that phrase fill you with excitement or deep, unsettling groans? When invited to go on a hike and all you can think of is trying to come up with an excuse as to why you can’t go, it may be time to figure out why hiking is so hard…

How Long Will A Canvas Tent Last?
Hot tent camping is becoming and increasingly popular activity. While canvas has been the traditional choice in a hot tent for successive generations, nylon is becoming an increasingly popular choice. Nylon is much lighter than canvas and so is an appealing option if weight is a concern. The other advantage nylon has over canvas is…

Should You Bring a Hair Dryer Camping?
I don’t know about you, but having my hair perfectly styled while camping isn’t usually on the top of my mind. Still, where ever you are, camping or not, you have to take care of your mop for reasons of comfort and health. Add looking half decent in with the lot, and you know you…
How To Setup A Tarp Over A Fire
If you are tent camping during shoulder season you may be wanting to stay warm around the fire. While camping you may experience some periods of rain. This is where knowing how to setup a tarp safely above your fire can come in handy. How do you setup a tarp over a fire? You need…
Low Calorie Camping Meals
Mmm, hot dogs roasted over the campfire… marshmallows toasted to perfection, melting your Hershey’s square… Ruffles and Doritos galore…. WAIT A MINUTE! Camping can be lots of fun food-wise, but you don’t want to come back from your trip lugging 10 lbs more than you left with, especially around your waist. Its even more important…

Advice On How to Buy A Hot Tent
This is our own personal experience in making the decision on what hot tent to purchase. What is hot tent camping? Hot tent camping is about using a wood burning stove inside a tent to heat it. It is like a portable cabin with a mini stove and chimney that can be packed up and…

How Much Should You Spend On A Sleeping Bag?
Having a comfortable sleep is one of the most important factors for enjoying your camping trip. Having a good quality sleeping bag and insulated sleeping pad are essential to keeping warm and happy. How much should you spend on a sleeping bag? You should spend between 200-300 dollars for a 3 season down sleeping bag….

Surf Fishing For Striped Bass
Every year my family and I drive the 6 hours from Halifax Nova Scotia to my favorite salt water surf fishing spot in New Brunswick. The fish that I travel to get is the popular sport fish called striped bass. How I fish for striped bass in this area is from the beach. Surf fishing…

Should I Rent Or Buy A Canoe?
Canoes are not a small purchase for a lot of peoples budgets. Should you rent a canoe or buy one? In this article we will take a look at the pros and cons of both. How Often Will I Use It? The first question that can be asked is how often will I be using…